The Clothesline.

Looking out of my window, across another one,

I see clothes hanging outside the other pane,

Varying in colour and size, they are a delightful range of diversity on a frame,

And even as the eyes gorge on the colours of reds and blues, with dashes of yellow, white and pink, a thought appears reasoning,

“Oh, how could all this be a delight?

It is a mismatch at first sight.”

I tried to reason with it, but I wasn’t doing so;

For another thought, hit back again,

“ I wonder who these people are? They seem to have no dress sense,

And then another followed with memories of the yester,

“ I saw them walking down the street, The husband as stout and the wife overly thin”.

I also overheard him say, “Let’s stop midway at the store and pick up some steak”.

The wife was quiet and resigned with a sigh.”

She must be a pushover,”  came another thought,

“Oh, she must not have had a chance, for the man seems a domineering MCP,” came  yet another

And then a thought concluded, “They are indeed a mismatch; even their clothes say so”.

So now this became my reality, and as I looked out the window again,

The clothes didn’t appeal anymore. They just looked horrible and distasteful.

So this was for real, but wait a minute, a thought was coming in, and I was about to resign myself to it when all of a sudden,

I stood in silence and watched them dance, one after the other,

And then I saw myself seeing them do so, realising their game.

I paused and went beyond their reality and discovered a love so true that intelligence followed, leading me to the right action, where compassion had a place.

Suddenly, everything fitted; everything was in the right place.

I remembered my school motto, “ Love, Truth And Service, ” and stopped there.

For I wasn’t going to let thoughts overpower me again.

 But wait a minute, what do you think? 

Hahaha. Not again.

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