Please hold my hand..

“Over the ages, like rats trapped by the pied piper, we follow tradition and culture made for its time,

But we follow it mindlessly even when it is not for our time,

Instead of changing and evolving, we get stuck into a never-ending whirlpool,

Where round and round we go on, crashing into boulders and fighting against the tide,

Drowning into it’s yours and mine, right and wrong,

It spares no one, not the wise or the fool,

The wise know the how, but the means seem beyond,

Imploring all you fellows trapped in this vast catastrophe,

 “Can we hold each other’s hand to feel the air so cool?

Can we get away together out of this dangerous pool, 

And when you feel like pulling away,

When the hurtful actions of the other snare you away,

Stop, my friend, and hold his hand,

Whether or not he understands your stand,

 And as fast as you can, get out of this quicksand,

And then, my friend, all the catastrophes, cruel and unkind, cannot turn man upside down,

For man is gifted with the sense to unite, to let all differences aside,

I’m sure, friend the day is not far away when we’ll smile through the tide,

And laughingly exit this pool with consciousness on our side.”

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